  • 2024-12-08
  • 宁波国际快递

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美国邮局,也称美国邮政署(英语:United States Postal Service, USPS)或美国邮政服务,是美国联邦政府的独立机构。 美国邮政署拥有596,000名雇员,以及218,684辆汽车,是全球最庞大的民用车队。每年处理177亿信件,占全球数量的四成。美国邮政署是少数在美国宪法中提及设立的机构。2018年7月19日,《财富》世界500强排行榜发布,美国邮政位列123位。

Learn how to send packages from the U.S. to other countries, whether you: Bring your package to a Post Office™ location. Create and print your own customs form, which saves a lot of time. Use Click-N-Ship® service for everything: Buy postage, print labels and customs forms, and even schedule a pickup. For sending letters under 3.5 oz and large envelopes under 15.994 oz to other countries, see How to Send a Letter: 国际。

重量/尺寸限制:计费重量≤31.5 KG;长+2*(宽+高)≤125CM(圆柱形包裹,4倍直径+长度≤104CM),超过如述尺寸加收附加费30元/票;
禁限寄物品:根据国际航空运输相关条款、美国海关规定的不能邮寄或限制邮寄的商品。包括但不限于所有化妆 品、烟草、电子烟、酒类、处方药、刀具、火柴、打火机、激光笔、液体、粉末、膏状体、毒品、军火、酒精、香水、指甲油、烟雾剂、漂白剂、泳池化学品、油漆等,以及各种侵权、仿牌商品等违禁品如查到罚款1000元/票。
②索赔受理时限为自系统产生包裹收寄信息起 30 个工作日内,逾期不予受理。
③由于罢工、战争、自然灾害、天气、飞机机械故障航班延误、法律权限、海关检疫官员的行为或者政府行为等不可抗力因素造成的损失;由于客户自己对快件操作不当以及客户提供的发票、地址等资料有误的或不及时而造成的延误、损毁货丢失或由于收件人公司不配合清关或无法提供清关文件而产生的清关延误扣件甚至被海关充公没收;外包装完好,包裹里面产品丢失,变形,变质等内件未加保护措施的;所寄物品不符合华沙公约的相关规定,不能安全合法运输而被海关销毁的(动物 种子类 书籍类现金 枪支 弹药 贵金属 违禁药品 易燃易爆品等)我司不承担任何责任。



  • The full name of the person or company you’re sending the item to and their full international address.
  • A comprehensive list of things you’re sending and their value (for the customs form). 示例:Put “men’s cotton shirts,” not “clothing.”
  • A printer if you’re printing your customs form. (You can save a lot of time by using our Customs Form Online tool to fill out your own form, print it out, and bring it with your package to the Post Office to pay for postage and ship your package.)
  • Packaging materials (like boxes, padding, and tape).




Sending packages to other countries is different from sending packages inside the U.S.:

  • Tracking: Depending on how and where you ship, you may not get the same level of tracking information you’re used to for U.S. packages.
  • Rules: There are more rules, laws, and regulations that you must follow (from USPS, the U.S., and the destination country), and you are responsible for following all of them.
  • Things You Can’t Send: There are more things you can’t send in international packages, and each country has its own rules about what it’ll allow in inbound packages.
  • Customs Forms: When you send merchandise (anything that’s not correspondence or documents), it must have a customs form that’s computer-generated (not handwritten) by approved USPS software that electronically sends the customs form data to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). If you have a handwritten customs form, you’ll need to give it to a retail associate at a USPS location and they’ll make a computer-generated customs form for you.
  • Consequences: You’ll want to be very careful, detailed, and accurate. If you make mistakes, your package could be delayed, subject to extra import fees, or even rejected, confiscated, or destroyed by the receiving country.